Mountain   Vista

Counseling Services

Mountain Vista Counseling Services   248-391-2606
Mountain Vista Counseling has various therapeutic groups for both adults and adolescents. The focus of these groups are devoted to such topics as self-injury, eating disorders, developing interpersonal skills, building self esteem, coping with divorce, relationship and  family issues, grief and loss, understanding the adolescent and overcoming addictions. 
Therapy Groups
Therapeutic groups are a form of therapy that is appealing to many people.  Some of the benefits of group therapy include: 
- Being able to discuss the issues you have with others that are going through the same problems and getting help and ideas from them.
- Gaining insight from seeing how others view you or from the effect you have on others.
- Normalizing your issues and situations so that you do not feel alone in your struggles.
- Helping to give you hope when you see that other people who have had similar problems found answers and ways to deal with them.
-Entering the realm of therapy slower than in individual therapy. In group therapy you can observe the process before jumping in and participating. 
The groups are closed groups (no new members during that time) that run for 10 weeks. The groups run for 2 hours each week.  

Which groups are available depends on the demand. Usually there are between 2 - 3 groups of the same topic during the year. The cost is $30 per person per week. There are times when even if there is an available space, a client will be asked to wait for the next session of that group. This is based on the needs of the client and the composition of those already in the group.  

Each prospective member will meet individually with the therapist for a 30 minute consultation prior to the start of the group. There is a $40 fee for this individual interview. Any client who later participates in an additional group would not have to have another consultation. 

Please call the office for the paperwork that needs to be filled out before the start of the initial consultation or for any further information about the topics and dates of the next groups.